Common Login Issues-gitbook

Password or Email Misplacement: Users might face login issues due to forgetting passwords or using incorrect email addresses, leading to failed login attempts.

Best Practices for Smooth Logins

  1. Backup Credentials: Safeguarding login credentials, including passwords and recovery phrases, in secure locations ensures ease of access and minimizes the risk of losing account information.

  2. Regular Updates: Keeping the app or web platform updated to the latest version helps mitigate potential bugs or technical issues that might hinder login attempts.

  3. Security Check-ups: Regularly reviewing and updating security settings, including 2FA methods or linked devices, enhances account security while reducing login-related hurdles.


While strives to provide a seamless user experience, login issues can occasionally surface due to various reasons, ranging from forgotten passwords to technical glitches. By understanding these challenges and utilizing the available recovery and support options, users can mitigate login hurdles and regain access to their accounts swiftly.

Last updated